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Published: 12/06/2020

Barnitts eBook 'Through The Years

A while ago we did a couple of blogs giving some history to the shop. It attracted interest from people wishing to know more and we felt we had enough material to elaborate and satisfy the demand.


So we have created a full size eBook, sharing the evolution of the shop in far greater detail right up to current times.

The book is split into three parts.

The first is a detailed account of the history, heritage, events, challenges and evolution of the store. We have a good collection of archive material so we have interspersed the text with relevant photographs to enhance the content.Telling the whole story and how society changes and affects product demand in different times.

The second part is simply a 'Now & Then' section of just photographs taken in the very same spot but years (sometimes decades) apart. Just to show how the store changes through time.

The third section is literally just sharing many of the funny stories, comical happenings from within the shop over the years and the brilliant daily interaction with customers that we all enjoy!

Although it was a hard task creating the content, formatting the text to the various eBook formatts and designing a cover, we felt it was another unexplored channel that could be utilized and promote the shop in a different way via a book.

eBook -
eBook - "Barnitts Through The Years

We have heard lockdown has got people reading a lot more again, so if you are interested in finding out a lot more and enjoying a few laughs the book is available here

It is also accessible at any other eBook retail outlet. If you read it and like it please post a review.
