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Published: 26/03/2015

How to Cook the Perfect Egg

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

Are you a fan of fried? Proponent of the poached? Perhaps you're a sucker for scrambled? Do you believe that boiled is best? Or are you obsessed with omelettes?

Whichever is your favourite, egg enthusiasts unite... Here we'll show you how to cook the perfect egg this Easter.

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Published: 03/03/2015

Baking With Kids: The Ultimate Guide

Baking with kids can be a fun experience, but it can also be a messy and stressful one – particularly for the adults involved! Mum and dad are often the ones left to clean up the chaos in the kitchen, while the children create more mess on the worktops.

But if you prepare effectively, you can bake with your children without the added stress. We've put together this detailed guide to baking with kids to help you overcome the drama of a messy kitchen, whilst also making it fun and educational for your children.


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Ever have those days where you just can't get warm, even with the heating on? Sometimes during the winter it can be really hard to keep cosy and comfortable, but if you're looking for some useful ways to keep warm in your home this winter, you're in the right place.

We've created this list of handy winter warming tips that will help you keep your house – and most importantly, you – nice and toasty during the winter.

So let's take a look. Here's how to keep your house warm in the winner, in 22 easy steps...

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When it comes to New Year's resolutions, many of us vow that shedding those extra pounds we've put on over the festive period is our main goal.

Weight loss plans are one of the most common targets that people set themselves as the New Year rings in. But unfortunately, these resolutions are usually broken within days, if not weeks.

The mistake that many people make is that they starve themselves immediately, and this only serves to make them more irritable and feeling lethargic. Not happy with the sudden change, they usually crumble and end up binge eating. Does this sound familiar?

Don't worry – you're not alone!

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The Christmas countdown is now well and truly on, and for many people it's a race against time to get the Christmas shopping done. With many people's homes now decked in Christmas lights and decorations, the focus has turned to the final festive shopping push.

If you're struggling for ideas, we've put together this Christmas gift guide to help ease your troubles. Here, you'll find ideas for friends and family of all tastes, so you can give something extra special this year.

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